Uncle Tony had a couple extra tickets to Great America for a special event through his office so we took Grace there for the first time. She had a blast and wore us out.

This was probably her second favorite thing to do. We let her ride it twice and she figured out how to work the lever that makes the bee go up pretty quickly. As you can see, it was pretty late and she was the only one on the ride.

We took one last ride on the merry go round before leaving the park.

Tony and Grace on the airplane ride in the Wiggles Playground area.

She didn't like this one so much. It was bumpy and she kept hitting her head on the back of the seat. The operator had to stop the ride so we could take her off.

Riding the camel on the merry go round was the first thing we did while mom and Tony ran off to ride some roller coasters. Aunt Heidi and dad are too wimpy to go on most of them.

Riding the airplane with Mom.

Watching the end of the Wiggles show.

When she first saw the train she couldn't wait to get on. Once it started, she was kind of bored with it.

Heidi squeezed into a passenger car next to us.