Thursday, August 06, 2009

Walt Disney World Mega Post Day 4: At Least We Know It's Hotter in Oregon Right Now

This was our last full day at Disney before heading off to Vero.

While doing a little research at home before the trip, Mom discovered that if you sit at the back of the train, the conductors will let you say "all aboard." This was Grace's second attempt. The first one didn't go so well.

With her special guest conductor card.

Her favorite Disney movie is Mary Poppins and we made an effort to find her on the last day. I don't know how she can wear that outfit in weather like this but she wasn't even sweating.

On Aladdin's magic carpet ride which is pretty much the same as Dumbo but holds more people and has a camel that spits on you.

Doing her best monkey impression.

Riding the tea cups. The only other Disney movie she had seen at this point was a good portion of Alice in Wonderland and she really likes the Mad Hatter's un birthday song.

Hello Gracie the Funke!

In Pony heaven.

After 3.5 days of no naps and midnight bedtimes, she finally hit the wall on the monorail ride over to Epcot.

Our last character meal was at The Land in Epcot. Here she is with Chip.

Giving Mickey some love.

She thought it was hysterical that she was grabbing his nose.

The restaurant rotates (about one complete turn every half hour) and towards the end of the meal, she noticed that we were moving around the kitchen. Here she is putting her foot on the floor and watching it move towards the kitchen wall.

Eaten by Bruce in The Living Seas.

A couple of the towel animals left for her by the cleaning person.

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