Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Grace

Today was Grace's 2nd birthday and we had lots of stuff planned for her busy day.

Mom made a special breakfast and Grace got to drink her first ever glass of orange juice in a big girl cup.

Toasting her birthday.

In the morning, we took grace downtown to Navy Pier to go to some Spring festival they were having. The first order of business was to ride the train. And ride it again. and again. and then maybe again.

Next we stood around in the moon walk.

Then we found this moon walk/train thing where she climbs in and then works her way through a series of inflatable obstacles. She got stuck on a tough hill in the middle but an older girl was nice enough to stop and help her. We took off her socks for the second trip through and she was good to go. She went on it again, and again, and again, and again.

Climbing in.

Did I mention she rode the train a few times?

Then we went home and took a nap. When she woke up, we got dressed up and went to Sears to have her birthday picture taken. Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Grace had her standby, Macaroni and Cheese. When we got home, Grace blew out the candles on her cake but we didn't have time to eat it.

She still had to open her presents

Desperate for some attention

Opening a present from Grandma. I think it's her Blue's Clues notebooks.

Then we thought she had a poopy diaper so we changed it (false alarm) and put on her jammies. The rest of her presents were down in the basement.

Grace's big gift this year was a train table and a Brio train set to play with.

Wearing her conductor hat and trying to get Mom to put the Blue's Clues game on the computer.

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